Saturday, November 20, 2010

34 Weeks

It's be a long while since I've posted but not much has happened.
Besides being too busy to think sometimes Lol.
I cant wait for little man to come I wont have to get up at 430am..unless hes ready for me too but he will eventually go back to sleep and we can nap..  Lol.

We think hes dropped, everyone says he looks lower! :)
Were excited to see how long he stays in the little oven of his.
We id have The USMC Ball this past week that was fun!
I enjoyed the experiance, and now I can say I've been to one.
This is our Ball picture, we wernt into paying $30.00 for 4 5x7s and this is good enough for us! :D

I think the dress still looked good with my big ol' bump by the way. Lol
Welp I'm off of here time to clean and get a few things done around the house.